Visit Your Elected Officials’ Offices While in D.C. for HCH2017!

2017 National HCH Conference & Policy Symposium

Hill Visit Meeting Materials:





Tips for Conducting a Successful Meeting

  • Keep meetings to five people or less. Check in with the staffer shortly before the meeting to let them know how many people are coming.
  • Be prepared to say everything you want to say in 15 minutes or less.
  • Thank them for meeting with you, and stay cordial and polite no matter how you feel about their political views.
  • It’s okay to not know everything. If they ask you a question that you don’t know the answer to, simply tell them you would be glad to follow up (and actually follow up or let us know and we will.
  • Remember: they work for YOU, and YOU are the expert.
  • Take a photo and  let us know how your meeting went!


We will be updating this page regularly. Check back in for more information and resources on making your meeting a success! 


Email Regina Reed, Health Policy Organizer, or call (443) 703-1337.

*Hill visits are not funded using public resources

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