
Main Goals of Research Activities at the National HCH Council

  • Increase understanding of homeless health care. National HCH Council staff work in collaboration with homeless health care projects, academic institutions, and national homeless or health care organizations to generate new information that will improve our understanding of homeless clinical issues, health care access, delivery systems, and program effectiveness.
  • Utilize existing research to inform clinical practice and public policy. National HCH Council staff compile existing research data of particular relevance to HCH practice and policy, and work with others in the field to identify implications for practice and policy.
  • Enhance the ability of HCH projects to engage in research/evaluation to improve practice and policy. National HCH Council staff serve as a resource to the Bureau of Primary Health Care/HCH Branch and others involved in research endeavors relevant to HCH practice through informal consultation, involvement in workgroups, and implementation of specific program evaluation activities.

Please use the sidebar on the right to explore our resources, such as publications, bibliographies, information on current research activities of the National HCH Council and details about the HCH Practice-Based Research Network.

Health Care for the Homeless Practice-Based Research Network

The Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN) focuses on research that is conducted in clinical settings to explore issues affecting the primary health care needs of individuals experiencing homelessness. Members of the PBRN collaborate with the Research Committee to develop and coordinate research projects of particular relevance to homeless health care practice. Once a research proposal is approved by the Research Committee, PBRN members are invited to participate. Click here for more details about how to join the PBRN or propose a research study.

Photo source: Research symposium at the 2010 National Health Care for the Homeless Conference & Policy Symposium in San Francisco, CA.

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