
Fundamental to the HCH model of care, outreach is an umbrella term for serving people outside of the four walls of the clinic, which may include providing medical services on the streets (“street medicine”), using a mobile medical van, or deploying outreach specialists to build relationships with those who cannot or will not access services in the physical clinic. Medical outreach, in particular, continues to grow across the country with health centers increasing these services and other independent organizations emerging regularly. Learn more below about strategies for reaching people outside the clinic.

National Outreach Guidelines

The National Outreach Guidelines for Underserved Populations (2012) were developed through a collaboration of five national partner organizations: the Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC), the National Health Care for the Homeless Council (NHCHC), the Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO), Migrant Health Promotion (MHP) and the Health Outreach Partners (HOP). The organizations worked with an advisory panel made up of representatives from community health centers and other support organizations across the country to update and expand the Farmworker Outreach Program Guidelines developed by HOP in 2000. Access the executive summary and the complete guidelines on the HOP website.

NHCHC Resources

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