Substance Use Disorder

Monographs and Publications

Policy Briefs

Healing Hands Articles

Additional Resources

  • Addressing Tobacco Use in Homeless Populations: Recommendations of the Expert Panel (2010) | The Break Free Alliance presents this resource on tobacco cessation with individuals experiencing homelessness as part of an initiative through the Health Education Council. The mission of the Health Education Council is to promote good health in all communities through advocacy and education. The Break Free Alliance is a collaboration between various agencies across the country – including the National Health Care for the Homeless Council – created to decrease tobacco burden in impoverished communities. The recommendations in this report come from an expert panel comprised of clinicians, researchers, individuals who have experienced homelessness, policymakers and other stakeholders. To read more about the Break Free Alliance, click here.
  • Criminal Activity and Substance Abuse Study: Central City Concern: Mentor and ADFC Housing Programs (2008) | Regional Research Institute for Human Services, Portland State University – Results from this study of 87 recipients of drug treatment services enrolled in the Mentor and Alcohol Drug Free Communities (ADFC) programs through Central City Concern in Portland, Oregon demonstrated a 95% reduction in drug use and a 93% reduction in criminal activity post-treatment relative to pre-treatment levels.
  • Harm Reduction: Preparing for Change (2010) | Harm reduction can be used as an approach for substance use treatment to openly negotiate with clients the behavior change that is most likely to be achieved.
  • Harm Reduction Coalition | Explains principles of harm reduction, includes resources for providers, links to training, and focuses on HIV, syringe access, hepatitis C, overdose, drug treatment and safer use.
  • National Association of Drug Court Professionals | Information about drug courts, publications and other resources.
  • National Institutes on Drug Abuse: Medical & Health Professionals | An online catalog where you can find, read and order NIDA publications, videotapes, posters and access resources by target audience | Many materials in Spanish.
  • Notification of Intent to use Schedule III, IV or V Opioid Drugs for the Maintenance and Detoxification Treatment of Opiate Addiction under 21 USC § 823(g)(2), 03/31/2009 (form).
  • | Provides basic street drug information and links to educational materials, reports and referral resources. Has materials for different audiences including students; parents, teachers and caregivers; law and health professionals. An online store features drug ID charts, drug identification guides, materials in Spanish and in English.
  • Substance Abuse & Mental Health Administration | Provides basic drug and mental health information and links to educational materials, reports and referral resources.
  • Tobacco Free | Association of Clinicians for the Underserved | Inspired by expert recommendations, Tobacco Free brings you information and resources on the most effective tobacco use interventions for underserved patients, including office systems, motivational interventions and pharmacotherapy.
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