
Karen Rotondo Award for Outstanding Service

Karen Rotondo copyThe Karen Rotondo Award for Outstanding Service honors the memory and legacy of Karen Rotondo, RN, the “Founding Mother” of the HCH Clinicians’ Network. It is awarded to one exemplary clinician in the HCH field annually at the National Health Care for the Homeless Conference*.

Nominations for the 2019 award must be received by February 28, 2019.

Award Criteria

The award recognizes clinicians who provide culturally appropriate, high quality hands-on care to people experiencing homelessness. Clinicians may come from a broad array of disciplines—nurses, social workers, outreach workers, oral health providers, physicians, case managers, substance abuse specialists, mental health providers, health educators, and many more!

  • Current HCH Clinicians’ Network Steering Committee members are not eligible.
  • Any clinician may nominate his or her colleague, but self-nominations are not accepted.
  • The nominee must be a hands-on caregiver who has advanced the goals of ending and preventing homelessness.
  • The nominee must demonstrate vision and creativity in his or her work to improve the health and quality of life of homeless people.
  • The nominee must go above and beyond his or her job description requirements.

Selection Process

  • The Clinicians’ Network Membership Committee will review all nominations and select the award recipient based on the stated criteria.
  • Clinicians’ Network staff will notify all nominators of selection results at least six weeks before the award presentation.

Nomination Materials

  • Nomination form completed by the candidate’s supervisor, colleague, or other professional associate
  • Resume or curriculum vitae for the nominee
  • Letter from a patient of the nominee describing how the nominee had a positive impact on his/her life
  • Letter of support from a peer or coworker of the nominee
  • Digital photograph of the nominee that will be used to promote the awards presentation and displayed at the National Health Care for the Homeless Conference

Please email all nomination materials to Lily Catalano. Incomplete nominations will not be considered.

*Nominees should plan to attend the National Health Care for the Homeless Conference. The Clinicians’ Network will provide support to the award recipient to attend the conference and receive the award in person. Thank you for participating in this opportunity to recognize a fellow clinician in the field of health care for the homeless.

Network Award Recipients Since 1996

Distinguished Service Award

Philip W. Brickner, MD
Janelle Goetcheus, MD
Susan Poff, MD
Jeff Singer, MSW

Outstanding Service Award

Deb Borne, MSW, MD
Asma Inge-Hanif, RN, CNM, ANP
Charita McCollers, MSW
Elizabeth Salisbury-Afshar, MD, MPH
Matias Vega, MD
Rachel Solotaroff, MD, MPH
Melissa Berrios, MSW
Mavis M. Bonnar, BA
James L. Dixon
Thomas D. Huggett, MD
Janice Kelly, LPN
Susan M. Kline, MN, ARNP
Rebecca LaBovick, RN BC
Abby Lehrman, BS
Barbara Lucci, Med, LSW
Elizabeth Marlow, MSN, CFNP, CDE
Nathan Nickerson, MSN, ANP, RN
Adele M. O’Sullivan, MD
Kelvin Silver, MEd, LCADC, CRC, LPC
Mary Stewart, LCSW
Janet M. Stone
Mary Tornabene, APN, CNP
Pia C. Valvassori, PhD, ARNP
Marilyn Wegehaupt, MSN, RN
John Wintermyer, MAST, Med


Local Hero Award

Janne Croll, PA-C
Regina Pedersen, PA-C
Patti Pagels, MPAS, PA-C
Linda Barnet, BSN, RN
Patricia Berens, PA
Shirley Tina Bouchet, RN
Theresa Brehove, MD
Addie Brown, MFCC
Katherine K. Carr, ARNP
Wallace Cooper, PA
Brenda Cooper-Cutts
Katherine Deegan, RN
Lilia Douglas
Marianne Feliciano, BSN, RN
Jord Field, BS
Deborah Formella, CRNP
Cindy Glista, RN
Nic Granum, MPA
Nancy Guyotte, RN
Yoshiko V. Hall, ANP, RN
Janet Harris, LCSW-C
Carole Ann Hohl, MHS, PA-C
Chris House, LCSW-C
Karen Hudson, MSW, LSW
Carol Jenkins, RN
Elizabeth Kavanagh, LCSWC
Theresa Lawman, RN
Kathleen Loftus, BSN, RN
Michelle Logan, RN
Trish Lopez, MSW
Denise Lowery, MSW
Jeanne Lowry, MSN, RN
Maria Lutz-Buyak
Lourdes Rigual Lynch, PhD
Connie R. Markis, RN
Elizabeth McGrath, RNP
Judith A. Mealey, MS, ANP, RN
Darcie Meierbachtol, MS, ANP, FNP
Eric T. Meininger, MD
Connie Miller, MSN, FNP-C, CDE
Barbara G. Morita, PA
Kathleen O’Dea, PCNP, RN
Jeffrey S. Olivet, MA
Tanya L. Page, MD
Rickey G. Pierce
Randal Pinnelli, PA
Sister Eileen Reid, RN
Annette Rodriguez,
Rachel Rodriguez-Marzec, MS, FNP
Julie Sobetski
Susan H. Spalding, MD
Marc Stevenson, MSW
Louise Teiga, LCSW
Lois Thetford, PA-C
Jean Thompson
Njide Udochi, MD, MPH
Fidelia Ukah, RN, MS, FNP-BC
Joaquin I. Uy, MS, LAC, LMP
Matias J. Vega, MD
Rebecca Vose, PA-C
Frances E. White, DDS
James S. Withers, MD

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