HCH Costing Tool Toolkit

Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) providers are uniquely challenged to effectively address the health care needs of individuals who face extraordinary hurdles to managing their care. This is complicated by the difficulty of determining the impact of individual programs and services, planning the best use of limited resources, and presenting a compelling, data-driven argument to potential funders. The HCH Costing Tool was created by economists and researchers Donald Shepard and Cynthia Tschampl at Brandeis University to address this issue and help HCH grantees conduct a cost-benefit analysis of existing and potential programs.

What is the Costing Tool?

The HCH Costing Tool is an Excel based tool designed and formatted to make the process as simple as possible and uses data that should be readily available to program administrators. Typically, each program is evaluated independently by service, so case management would be evaluated separately from supportive housing or a mobile medical program.

Where can I get more information on the Costing Tool?

For more information on the HCH Costing tool, please check out the resources listed below.

Where can I find the tool?

If you are interested in using the HCH Costing Tool, we ask that you fill out a brief form and agree to complete a follow-up survey after you have used the tool. This will help us to learn how you are using the tool and make sure it is meeting your needs. Once you complete the request form, you will receive an email containing the Excel based tool.

Request the HCH Costing Tool now.

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