NCAB Membership Elects New Steering Committee Members
NCAB held their annual Business Meeting at the National Conference in Kansas City, MO. Consensus was reached to elect the following new officers for the Steering Committee:
- Joseph Benson, Chair, Houston, TX
- Tom Rossi, Co-Chair, Denver, CO
- Tina Hayes, Member-at-Large, Atlanta, GA
- Rodney Dawkins, Member-at-Large, Chicago, IL
- Preston Witt, Regional Representative, Houston, TX
These new officers and positions will continue to grow NCAB and the consumer movement even further. Below are short bios of the new and returning officers on the NCAB Steering Committee:
Joseph Benson: Incoming Chair (Houston, TX)
Joseph has been on the Steering Committee for the last 3 years as a Member-At-Large and comes to the position of Chair with a great deal of passion and experience. Consumer involvement, voter registration, and access to health care are among Joseph’s priorities for NCAB in the coming years. Joseph is also a member of the Governing Membership of the Council and serves on the Policy Committee and the Education Committee.
Tom Rossi: Incoming Co-Chair (Denver, CO)
Tom joined the Steering Committee two years ago as a Member-At-Large and has hit the ground running involving himself in the work of NCAB, presenting at our annual conference, and bringing his passionate voice to our advocacy work. Tom also serves on the Ellen Dailey Award Committee and the Council’s Planning Committee.
Reginald O. Hamilton: Current Co-Chair-1 Year Remaining in Term (Detroit, MI)
Reginald is in his second year of his 2nd term as Co-Chair and has been involved in NCAB’s work for several years. In addition to his work on NCAB, Reginald has served on many of the Council’s working committees including the SSI Task Force, Planning Committee, and Finance Committee. With his experience as an attorney, Reginald’s input has been invaluable.
Diane Myers: Current Secretary-1 Year Remaining in Term (Portland, OR)
Since joining the steering Committee, Diane has helped to better define the role of Secretary and has been incredibly helpful with keeping NCAB on top of tasks by keeping accurate minutes and keeping the Steering Committee organized. Her fresh perspective has been invaluable.
Tina Hayes: Incoming Member-At-Large-2 Year Term (Atlanta, GA)
NCAB first met Tina at a Governing Membership Meeting in Nashville. Tina had recently become Chair of her local CAB and has continued her interest in being involved in NCAB. Tina has been contributing to her HCH Project and their Client Advisory Board since 2006 and we welcome her at the national level.
Rodney Dawkins: Incoming Member-At-Large- 1 Year Term (Chicago, IL)
Rodney is a passionate human rights and social justice advocate in his community and has become a powerful speaker. Some of his greatest advocacy work relates to affordable housing. In addition, Rodney recently had the opportunity to present at one of HCH’s Regional trainings, and hopes to continue to present at meetings and conferences. We welcome and look forward to working with Rodney.
Marion Walls: Current Member-At-Large-1 Year Remaining in Term (Aurora, CO)
Marion was elected to the Steering Committee last year but is no stranger to NCAB. Marion has been coming to the HCH conferences for several years and gravitated immediately to the NCAB Steering Committee and its members. Marion’s experiences as a Social Worker have brought great insight to NCAB, along with her interest in the mental health field. Marion also currently serves on the Council’s Education Committee.