Press Center

Press Contact

Rick Brown
Communications Manager
(615) 226-2292 x245

The National Health Care for the Homeless Council regularly provides guidance and perspective to members of the press on critical issues in homelessness and health care.

We are the leading voice for Health Care for the Homeless and medical respite care, and our staff and membership lay claim to a tremendous wealth of knowledge on topics at the intersection of health and housing.

If you are a media representative and would like to learn more about the Council, our work, or our perspective, please contact Communications Manager Rick Brown. 

Note: Our office does not provide direct service to people experiencing homelessness. If you personally need health care or other services, please find a health center near you that provides hands-on care.

The Council in the News

Read media coverage involving the National HCH Council or our research.

Press Releases and Statements

View press releases and official statements from the National HCH Council.

Multimedia Resources

The Council’s HCH Stories and Visualize Homelessness campaigns offer educational videos and images for media use, public awareness campaigns, social media, and other informational purposes.


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