Schedule At-a-Glance
Wednesday, June 21, 2017: Pre-Conference Day
7 a.m. | Registration and Check-In Open |
7-8:30 a.m. | Breakfast |
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. | Pre-Conference Institutes |
8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. | NCAB Leadership Meeting (Closed Meeting) |
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. | Lunch (Off-site, on your own) |
6 p.m. | Registration and Check-In Close |
5:30-7 p.m. | Governing Membership Meeting (Closed Meeting) |
6:30-8 p.m. | Clinicians’ Network Reception |
7-8:30 p.m. | NCAB Orientation Meeting (Closed Meeting) |
Thursday, June 22, 2017: Main Conference Day 1
7 a.m. | Registration, Check-in, and Exhibitor Hall Open |
7-8:30 a.m. | Breakfast |
7-8 a.m. | Clinicians’ Network and RCPN Committee Meetings (Closed Meetings) |
9-10 a.m. | Opening Plenary and Keynote Presentation |
10-10:30 a.m. | Break |
10:30-11:30 a.m. | Session I: Think Tanks |
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. | Lunch |
1–2:30 p.m. | Session II: Workshops |
2:30-3 p.m. | Break |
3-4:30 p.m. | Session III: Workshops |
4:30-6 p.m. | Welcome Reception |
5:30 – 7:30 p.m. | NCAB Business Meeting (Closed Meeting) |
6 p.m. | Registration, Check-in, and Exhibitor Hall Close |
Friday, June 23, 2017: Main Conference Day 2
7 a.m. | Registration, Check-in, and Exhibitor Hall Open |
7-8:30 a.m. | Breakfast |
8:30-10 a.m. | Session IV: Workshops |
10-10:30 a.m. | Break |
10:30-11:30 a.m. | Session V: Think Tanks |
11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. | Awards Lunch |
1-2:30 p.m. | Session VI: Workshops |
2:30-3 p.m. | Break |
3-4:30 p.m. | Session VII: Workshops |
5-6 p.m. | Closing Plenary and Keynote Presentation |
6-7 p.m. | Social Justice Rally |
6 p.m. | Registration, Check-in, and Exhibitor Hall Close |
Saturday, June 24, 2017: Learning Labs
7-8:30 a.m. | Breakfast |
8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. | Learning Labs |
10:30-11 a.m. | Break |
Pre-Conference Institutes
Basic Wound Care for your HCH Clinic
People experiencing homelessness often develop acute and chronic wounds. They need care that is unique to their circumstances to help these wounds heal. Homelessness presents many barriers to wound healing, including but not limited to difficulty elevating legs, challenges with dressing changes and exposure to extremes of temperature. In this course, you will learn the basic components of wound assessment and management. Special attention will be given to the unique challenges of providing this care for people experiencing homelessness. We will review the common materials used, how to develop a wound care plan, and the roles of different team members in providing excellent wound care.
Health IT Enabled Quality Improvement: Using the Guide to Improving Care Processes and Outcomes in Health Centers
Quality improvement is a core activity as health centers try to continually enhance access for patients and maximize value and efficiency. Changes to healthcare policy increasingly tying payment to quality make effective QI a business imperative for all health centers, particularly those serving homeless and other high-need populations. In this session, we will review relevant national data and trends and possible drivers of those. We will then dig into a quality improvement approach centered on the Guide to Improving Care Processes and Outcomes in Health Centers which provides a framework and tools for documenting, analyzing, sharing, and improving key workflows and information flows that drive improvement and outcomes. Together, we will begin to analyze the current state (What is?), including patient and staff experience, information collection, and workflows, to identify areas for improvement (What should be?), and where to find evidence-based approaches to making needed changes (What can we do?).
Increasing Access through Motivational Conversation
This highly interactive session will introduce participants to selected Motivational Interviewing (MI) skills, strategies and processes that enhance clients’ motivation to access various services and resources. In this session, participants will have an opportunity to practice the processes of engaging through open inquiry, focusing in on change goals, evoking the language of change, and planning achievable steps of action. Participants with little or no prior exposure to MI will benefit from learning and practicing skills in this session; participants with some or extensive prior exposure to MI will be able to refine their skills. This workshop can benefit direct service providers, supervisors, and key leaders within organizations.
Interprofessional Team Building
Teamwork in healthcare can save lives, improve the quality of patient care, reduce errors, enhance patient flow, improve communication, and increase satisfaction, which is why interprofessional teams are so important. Lead by a team from the Community Health Center, Inc., this pre-conference institute will provide insight on how to implement team models of care. Attendees will learn how to develop interprofessional teams, and how these teams can result in practice transformation.
Medical Respite Care: Accessing Health & A Pathway Home
Medical respite programs provide a necessary service for individuals experiencing homelessness who need a safe place to heal from injury or illness. Each year, the Respite Care Providers’ Network (RCPN) Steering Committee plans a full-day institute to examine emerging issues in the field of medical respite care. This year’s institute will include panels, presentations, and interactive discussions of interest to both clinicians and administrators. National experts will share best practices and innovative ideas on building your medical respite program, responding to clients in challenging circumstances, and increasing access to medical respite care in every community. Additionally, information will be provided on the finalized minimum standards for medical respite care, TA resources available, and policy implications for medical respite care. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in information sharing and networking with providers from across the country.
Pressing on with Health Reform In Turbulent Times: Medicaid, Homelessness, and Charting an Action Strategy
Major policy changes are happening across all sectors of federal government. Top among these changes are efforts to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act with an as-yet-unspecified alternative and alter how Medicaid is financed and delivered. The HCH community has rapidly changed in recent years as many states expanded Medicaid, redesigned their health care systems, and/or better integrated housing and health care programs. Now, we must continue our work to provide needed health care services while charting an action strategy to protect the gains made and work toward our goal of expanding high-quality systems of care for vulnerable populations.
This PCI will feature health care industry experts who will provide an assessment of the current Congressional and Administrative landscape to understand what has already happened and what is on the horizon, and offer state Medicaid director perspectives. Leaders from the HCH community will discuss how these changes will impact homeless health care providers and consumers, as well as the importance of continuing practice transformation and demonstrating value for the services provided. Finally, participants will focus on creating the action agenda needed for preserving Medicaid and continuing to provide high-quality, value-based health care for vulnerable populations.
Learning Labs
Board Requirements and Beyond: How to Build an HCH Board that Meets Requirements and Exceeds Expectations
Participants will review and discuss 1) key areas of Board Governance including best practices for how to meet HRSA Requirements as outlined in the latest guidance (Draft Compliance Manual), and 2) strategies for how to build the best board possible. Session will include discussions and activities around processes for the recruitment and retention of quality board members, effectively engaging consumers, on-boarding new board members, improving effectiveness, and evaluating impact.
Session will allow participants from a variety of types of HCHs to connect with programs similar to theirs (i.e. public entities, stand-alone HCHs, larger CHC/HCHs) through implementation of group activities throughout the learning lab.
Caring for People Experiencing Homelessness Facing End of Life
The number of older adults without homes is expected to increase to 95,000 in the United States by 2050. Health Care for the Homeless programs have already seen a 51% increase in the number of patients age 50 or older between 2008 and 2014. Drawing on the Council’s recently developed adapted clinical guidelines, this Learning Lab will offer recommendations on a variety of issues related to end of life care for people experiencing homelessness, including pain management, alternative therapies, advance directives, and the role of medical respite. Participants will gain tools and skills to support their patients’ preferences, improve care to prevent unnecessary suffering, and assist staff in coping with the experience of caring for people at the end of life.
Equity in Substance Use Disorder Treatment
Learn new strategies from our community with complex pain substance use disorders across the safety net in Los Angeles County. This workshop will discuss real-world strategies to champion substance use disorder treatment and pain management in resistant organizations. Hear strategies to support individual clinicians, clinics, and systems to provide quality care where there is “no wrong door.”
Implicit Bias as a Barrier to Health Care and Health Equity
Have you ever wondered why sometimes our thoughts don’t match our actions? Through a combination of didactic lecture, video clips, interactive exercises, and discussion, participants will learn more about implicit bias and how it affects our everyday lives, such as in criminal justice, employment, health care, housing, and media. Most importantly, participants will be equipped with tips and debiasing techniques for combating implicit bias as a strategy for reducing disparities in health and health care and promoting health equity.
- Explore how implicit bias works in our everyday lives
- Recognize microaggressions, microassaults, microsinsults, and micronivalidations
- Examine implicit bias as a contributing factor to health and healthcare disparities
- Take away tips and debiasing techniques for addressing implicit bias
**Please Note: In order to enhance your experience, this Learning Lab will require pre-work prior to the session.
Fostering Trauma-Informed Leadership Skills for Consumers
Organizations have started moving beyond consumer engagement to consumer leadership, working to achieve true shared roles within organizations. In order to support this growth, we must empower consumers and teach the skills needed to assume responsibility for CABs and other consumer-focused spaces in trauma-informed ways that create safe and respectful environments. This three-part training will walk through the basics of trauma itself, outline the principles and practices behind trauma-informed care, and share strategies and tools to maximize trauma-informed skills and atmospheres created by and for consumers.
Mobilizing Communities and Health Centers to Prevent and Reduce Violence
Violence is a devastating problem with both immediate and long-term effects. Exposure to violence negatively impacts health outcomes and has been linked to increases in chronic diseases, mental health disorders, and risk of perpetrating violence. People have the right to access safe environments, health resources, and violence-free lives. This session will cover violence as a health issue and epidemic as well as train attendees on community violence prevention and intervention models.
Traumatic Brain Injury Learning Lab
TBI is often misdiagnosed as behavioral health issues, and many HCH health center grantees do not routinely screen for TBI. This Learning Lab will be an interactive, skill building session focused on how clinicians can implement the Council‘s newly released Adapted Clinical Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Treatment of TBI for Unstably Housed Patients. Please note: pre-work for this Learning Lab will be required.